
Michael Kass’ Confluence Presentation Posted Here

Award-winning storyteller, facilitator and coach, Michael Kass offered an extraordinary workshop at CONFLUENCE 2016, STORYTELLING AND MAKING THE CASE FOR THE ARTS.  He has shared with us his PowerPoint presentation.  Here you will find a link to download the PDF:  michael-kass-presentation-confluence-storytelling-9-16

In the interactive 60 minute workshop, Michael shared the secrets of discovering and harnessing the power of your stories to build strong relationships, foster community, and supercharge fundraising. He provided participants with a new understanding of exactly why storytelling is so effective, 6 story types that all leaders and organizations must tell, and the experience of building and sharing a story of our own. He also discussed common pitfalls, how to integrate stories into our communication, and why story will outperform data in engaging funders and supporters.

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